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If you recognise the value that refugees bring to the cultural and economic life of our city please pledge your support by subscribing to our email list.

Pledge your support

Any organisation, regardless of legal status, can sign up as a Supporting Organisation. All supporting organisations will be listed on our Supporting Organisations page.

Our promise to those seeking sanctuary

We promise to welcome you to our home by the sea,
To open hearts warm and wide when you need sanctuary.

We will be respectful, inclusive and kind,
To listen, to learn and keep an open mind.

We promise to welcome you to your home by the sea,
To value your place in our community.

Spread our arms open and offer a hand,
Speak out and be there for you in your home by the sand.

Lean on our shoulder in the times that you need.
We’ll be your friend in our home by the sea.

By Hannah Sharland