Music In Detention believes that working through music can give immigration detainees a powerful way to voice their feelings, concerns and hopes.

Music In Detention
Music In Detention believes that working through music can give immigration detainees a powerful way to voice their feelings, concerns and hopes. They also believe that music can help break down barriers of prejudice about immigration and asylum, so they work with communities local to detention centres to create music in response to detainees and their stories.

Memories from My Land
Memories from My Land is a deeply evocative piece that captures the emotion of being torn from one’s homeland. Composer Moutaz Arian’s previous commissions include the Refugee National Anthem for the Refugee Nation at the 2016 Rio Olympics. In Arian’s own words:
“Music is the best language to deliver my message to humanity, which is to love each other, and this language does not require a translation”
Now or Never
Ethereal Yui, a local solo artist who supported us at Increase the Peace has recently recorded a debut album. Released today on #InternationalRefugeeDay, the track ‘Now or Never’ is dedicated to all the refugees in the world.
Songs of Freedom
Songs of Freedom is a new choir starting up in Southbourne. Its an inclusive choir, welcoming people from around the world. Join us, ‘Bringing together and Singing together’, part of the new global village. Songs and chants from around the world. easy to learn, fun, bringing joy into your life, one song a time. £5
Refugee Week’s ‘Feel the beat’
The melody rises. The drums kick in. Suddenly you’re no longer on the dancefloor, or in your kitchen, or on the bus. You’re transported somewhere else.
The role of displaced artists in shaping the history of music is far greater than most of us realise (Schoenberg and Freddie Mercury, anyone?) Refugee Week have created a special playlist of tracks that are by artists from refugee backgrounds, or inspired by experiences of people on the move.
We hope that through the power of beautiful music, you might go somewhere you’ve never been before.
Put it on. Turn it up. Share it with a friend. Feel the beat.