Donating items is a great way to support people that need help. As you’ll see below it can be done in a number of ways; sometimes the donated items are sent directly to the people in need, and other times the items are sold and the the money raised is used to run programmes.

British Red Cross Retail Shops
You could donate bags of clothes, books, toys or other items to the British Red Cross. Their shops sell your donations to raise money to help people.
Each bag that you donate could be worth £20 of vital funds that can help people in your neighbourhood. Money raised goes towards their operations in the UK and abroad.
Donating to charity shops also reduces waste and helps the environment.
Shops are located in Bournemouth, Poole and Southbourne

Aid Convoy – Delivering aid to the needy
Aid Convoy was developed out of a desire to help those less fortunate than ourselves. They periodically open drop off points locally for donated items that are then sent to refugee camps. The items requested will change to suit what is needed at the time. The current Aid Convoy donation round is closed but will re-open again soon. Contact Sister Tama ([email protected]) for more details.

Blandford Cares
Blandford Cares’ primary aim is to support refugees in Northern France through the distribution of donated items. Blandford Parish Church Office is available to receive donations every weekday between 9:30 and 12 noon. The needs of refugees are diverse and includes unblocked mobile phones with chargers, hand warmers, trousers and jogging bottoms for men, torches, thick blankets, sleeping bags, camping mats, waterproof coats, trainers and walking shoes, mens underwear, hats, gloves and scarves, deodorant, toilet paper and nappies (size 6 only).
Contact Mike and Suzi Hearn at [email protected] for more details